Outdoor Displays
Please don’t confuse outdoor displays with outdoor signs. Building Signs are much larger and can be read from the street or road. Outdoor displays are typically high resolution video monitors that are meant to be viewed at close distances. Outdoor displays have 720 to 4K resolution and can display full screen video. The main traits to be concerned about with outdoor displays is their water protection rating and sunlight readability. Look for high IP ratings. Outdoor-ready displays have not been around very long. As a matter of fact until recently the only way you can guarantee water and intrusion protection (iP) was to use an external enclosure. Over the past few years the larger manufacturers are producing products that have genuine IP (intrusion protection) ratings paired with sunlight- fighting brightness as measured in candela or NITS.
Make no mistake, there are very few brands or models you can absolutely rely on for the long haul. Some cheap brands will start leaking in the first year. That’s why it’s important to work with suppliers who have genuine experience to determine the right outdoor display investment to make. Outdoor displays are finding their way into fast food drive-thrus, shopping centers, well-traveled thoroughfares. We are are seeing a high interest in educational and medical campuses for emergency notification use. .MediaNow offers the most reliable outdoor displays available; plus digital signage software and media players to create powerful Visual Networks that will get your message across like never before.
Contact MediaNow for a free consultation on turn key outdoor digital signage systems and network packages.
We feature Peerless Xtreme outdoor displays
Make sure your outdoor displays were built to last outdoors! for years