What’s equally surprising is that other local businesses that can and should be posting their products, services and offerings visually are also missing in action. MediaNow believes that’s salons, barber shops, car washes, auto part stores and countless other retail operations are wasting the presence of customers in house; by not merchandising promoting end up selling with dynamic menu boards. MediaNow can introduce you to the latest affordable technology that can turn the time trusted menu board into a powerful tool that can connect with your customer on the other side of the counter and provide your back office with critical data that will improve your sales process and open the doors two new revenue streams. If you display any type of in-store pricing or merchandising you cannot afford to ignore the Internet of Things and what it means to the future of your business. Contact us today and let us show you what tomorrow’s solutions can do for your bottom line.
MediaNow looks at the total picture in customer-facing technologies
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