
There are a few applications that lend themselves better to digital signage than wayfinding. Gone are the days when a person unfamiliar with the building or campus is forced to be confused with the static map they don’t understand. Even basic digital signage can deliver superior maps and directions with or without advertising. When you add interactivity, wayfinding rises to a whole new level. Digital wayfinding is the key to your visitors getting the most from your facility. Guests can be greeted and directed properly and effectively. Interactive wayfinding can deliver more than directions; they can promote internal and local events and pay off with revenue-generating advertising. They can speak multiple languages and reach a far larger audience.

Most of all they work within the digital transformation and The Internet of Things. As well as giving directions, wayfinding kiosks can improve security in crowd control. Most of all wayfinding kiosk and signs can promote self service for transportation and entertainment tickets. Wayfinding capabilities give a visitor a reason to step up and make a purchase or reservation.

MediaNow features wayfinding hardware and software from multiple leading manufacturers and software providers. We can offer you wayfinding solutions turn key, complete with installation and programming. All of our wayfinding products and services are available separately; including easy to use software that will let you find your own way. Contact one of our specialists today for a complete no obligation overview on the right wayfinding technology for your requirements.

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