Museums & Exhibits

Museums and landmarks are beginning to understand they have more than history and artifacts in their facilities. Because of the internet, interact technologies and content delivery Networks these precious accents have taken on a new life as media content. The interest in seeing and learning about these Treasures is not confined to the audience who can reach each destination. Not only is the interest growing so are the opportunities for sponsored partnerships that can generate substantial income. MediaNow has had the privilege of working with the Heritage Center in Pennsylvania, the Apollo Theater in New York and the Army Aviation Museum in Alabama.

Video, interactive media and touring dynamic exhibits are just a few of the ways MediaNow can develop a digital media road map with you. Please contact us for a complimentary evaluation of your endowments potential to expand your footprint or draw a larger audience to your physical location.

Speak with our designers about  fresh and dynamic digital exhibits

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Digital signage is all about placing the perfect message, precisely where you want it, at the exact time it needs to be there. Let us show you how to expand digital signage dynamics to not only deliver your message but to obtain a desired reaction from your audience.

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