Projection and projectors have the longest history any technology used in Media. Projectors were used in the earliest silent films. They entertained and informed audiences long before television and the Internet. It is remarkable how they continue to evolve and advance. Projectors are still capable of doing things that flat panel video walls, LEDs and SMD’s can’t. For instance, a single projector can outsize, and out resolve mini video walls at a fraction of the cost. When it comes to simulation,
Only projectors can be mapped to any surface. Projection mapping is arguably the most exciting media technology.
On top of that. the latest laser projectors have eliminated dreaded blown bulbs and replacements. Projectors will remain the go-to display devices for most auditorium and large venues. The brightness and resolution of today’s projectors are opening new doors and presentation potential; only limited by the imagination of designers, installers and end-users. Today’s projectors are anything but old school. With brands like Digital Projection, Panasonic, and NEC, MediaNow can deliver compelling imagery for education, advertising, entertainment and government applications. Let us show you some examples of why projection will never die and continues to improve.

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Digital signage is all about placing the perfect message, precisely where you want it, at the exact time it needs to be there. Let us show you how to expand digital signage dynamics to not only deliver your message but to obtain a desired reaction from your audience.